Academic activities
Steering committee
- Cybersecurity and cryptology Master and PhD program, University of Bamenda, Cameroon.
General Chair
- AFRICACRYPT 2024, Douala Cameroon, 10-12 July 2024.
Program committee
- CIFRIS 2024, Rome Italy, 25-27 September 2024.
- AFRICACRYPT 2024, Douala Cameroon, 10-12 July 2024.
- ACNS 2024, Abu Dhabi UAE, 5-8 March, 2024.
- ANTS 2022, University of Bristol, August 8-12 2022.
Reviewing services
Conferences :
- Eurocrypt 2023, 2024
- PKC 2021, 2023,
- C2SI 2023,
- PQCrypto 2021,
- IMACC 2021,
- Inscrypt 2021,
- RNTA 5th mini symposium 2019 (“Scriba” editor).
Journals :
- Journal of Cryptology;
- Designs, Codes and Cryptography;
- Mathematical Cryptology.
- IEEE Access journal;
- IET Information Security journal;
Short visits
May 22nd - 24th 2023: LFANT, Bordeaux, France.
November 28th - December 02nd 2022: IRMAR, Universite de Rennes I, France.
September 19th-20th 2022: Cybersecurity Research Center, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium.
July 07th-08th 2022: IBM Research, Zurich, Switzerland.
Research stays
July-October 2021: Research visit at the University of Bamenda, working with Pr. Emmanuel Fouotsa.
August 2020: Research visit at the University of Bamenda, working with Pr. Emmanuel Fouotsa.
March 2020 - July 2020: Research visit at the University of Birmingham’s School of Computer Science, working with Pr. Christophe Petit.
August 2019 - October 2019: Research visit at the University of Bamenda, working with Pr. Emmanuel Fouotsa.
2021/2022: Advanced Cryptography, Spring 2022, IC School, EPFL. Substitute Lecturer.
2022/2023: Cryptography and Security, Fall 2022, IC School, EPFL. Substitute Lecturer.
2023/2024: Cryptography and Security, Fall 2023, IC School, EPFL. Substitute Lecturer.
PhD Student Mentoring
July 2021 - Now: Tchoffo Saah Gustave, PhD student in Isogeny-based Cryptography, University of Yaounde I, Cameroon.
Master thesis supervision
Fall 2023: Max Duparc, EPFL, Updatable Public Key Encryption from Isogenies.
Spring 2023: Vincent gali Ehba, AIMS Cameroon, The Elliptic Curve factorisation Method.
Semester project supervision
Spring 2023: Alessandro Colombo, EPFL. Revisiting the ECM.
Spring 2023: Malo Ranzetti, EPFL. Implementing Countermeasures to SIDH attacks.
Summer interns at EPFL
Summer 2023: Amer Elsheikh, The American University in Cairo,
Egypt. An Elliptic Curve Based Symmetric Encryption scheme.
Summer 2023: Mohammadreza Motabar, University of Tehran,
Iran. On the Number Field Sieve Factoring Method.
Course tutoring
May 2019 - July 2019: Tutor (remote), Nepal Algebra Project, Tribhuvan University Nepal.
June 2019: Tutor, Summer course on linear Algebra, John Cabot University of Rome.
Selected Talks
April 2024: Recovering isogenies from a single torsion point image, and more, ACCESS: Algebraic Coding and Cryptography Seminar Series.
Dec 2023: Isogeny Representations and their Applications to Cryptography, University of Neuchatel, Neuchatel, Switzerlan.
Oct 2023: A look at SQISignHD, Leuven Isogeny Days 4, KU Leuven, Belgium.
July 2023: At the evening of the SIDH attacks, SIAM AG 2023, 10-14 July, Eindhoven, The Netherlands.
May 2023: Beyond the SIDH Countermeasures, Séminaire de Cryptographie, LFANT, Bordeaux.
April 2023: M-SIDH and MD-SIDH: countering SIDH attacks by masking information, Eurocrypt 2024, Lyon, France.
December 2022: On the countermeasures to the higher genus torsion point attacks on SIDH, Séminaire de Cryptographie de Rennes, IRMAR, Universite de Rennes. Slides
November 2022: Torsion point images in SIDH: from savior to killer, Isogeny club presentation. Slides
September 2022: Masking SIDH: where do we stand?, Leuven isogeny days, September 21st-23rd 2022. Slides
July 2022: A New Adaptive Attack on SIDH, IBM Zurich. Slides
March 2022: A New Adaptive Attack on SIDH, CT-RSA 2022.
December 2021: SETA: Supersingular Encryption from Torsion points Attack, Asiacrypt 2021 (5 min presentation).
December 2021: SHealS and Heals: isogeny-based PKEs from a key validation method for SIDH, Asiacrypt 2021.
October 2021: A closer look at the torsion points in SIDH, job talk, LASEC, EPFL.
July 2021: SETA: Supersingular Encryption from Torsion points Attack, CRAG-10.
July 2021: SimS: A Simplification of SiGamal, PQCrypto 2021.
June 2021: SimS: A Simplification of SiGamal, Cryptography Seminar, University of Roma Tre.
August 2020: An overview of SIDH, MaC Seminars, Cameroon.
August 2020: An overview of CSIDH, MaC Seminars, Cameroon.
December 2019: An introduction to Isogeny-Based Cryptography, Mathematic PhD seminars, University of Roma Tre.
July 2019: Dirichlet’s Units Theorem, CIMPA School, African Institute for Mathematical Science (AIMS) Limbe.